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The Songwriters Workshop Intensive / Sessions 1-4 (SAA G7 SW 2021) Starts MONDAY: 10/11/21

This course is based on SAA Founder, Billy Seidman’s Book; The Elements of Song Craft, (One of Amazon’s top selling songwriting books) Billy Seidman is an Associate Professor of Songwriting at Berklee NYC’s Songwriting & Production Graduate program. This course teaches writers a new vocabulary for how to listen to and write songs to win a mass audience for your music. It meets 4 consecutive Monday evenings on Zoom: 10/11, 18, 25, & 11/01 @ 7PM EST (7pm-8:45pm) The cost is: $350

May 24

FREE MASTER CLASS WITH BILLY SEIDMAN Author of: The ElemenTs of Song Craft

April 22

The SAA SongWRITERS WORKSHOP Sessions 1-6 (SAA G2 2025) Starts TUESDAY: 04/22/25 @ 7PM EST LIVE IN PERSON & ON ZOOM